You searched for "dog rescue"
1 results found.
Starting today until August 14th 2018We will donate all funds from each sale towards sadt goal raising 700.00 to get 3 dogs that live on chains off those chains and have a half way decent life in large kennelsSo please either buy or donateGo to make a pay pal donationThey are a non profit dog rescueThanks for caring like we care
You searched for "dog rescue"
13 results found.
You searched for "dog rescue"
1 results found.
Nikky RichardsonPhotographer for 18 yearsWebsite builder for 18 yearsArtist for 8 yearsNon profit dog rescue founder and President  for 18 yearsAdventurist for lifeCatching the moments of time with her cameraThe sweet beautiful or sad moments of lifeTreasure them all with Nikkys awesome artLet Nikkys create art out of your plain photos so you have beautiful memories to cherish at an affordable costPlus Nikky gives a percentage of each sale to the dog rescueThe more people buy her art the mo...
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